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Язык, на который нужно перевести

Результаты 1 - 8 из примерно общего количества 8
Язык, с которого нужно перевести
Английский If the business truly honors the inclusion of its...
If the business truly honors the inclusion of its partners, it will do more than simply use the democratic process as a proxy for social participation.
This is a text that can apply to a business and its managing partners.

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Испанский Si el negocio honra verdaderamente la inclusión de...
Язык, с которого нужно перевести
Английский Are methods and tools for preventing and reducing...
Are methods and tools for preventing and reducing non-sampling errors in place and used?
This is a general question that can be asked of any organization.

Законченные переводы
Итальянский Esistono metodi e strumenti di prevenzione...
Испанский ¿Existen y son utilizados métodos ...
Язык, с которого нужно перевести
Английский It is a climate of free discussion, in which...
It is a climate of free discussion, in which people can learn from each other's ideas.
This text is general and could apply to any environment that promotes free discussion.

Законченные переводы
Испанский Es un clima de discusión libre
Язык, с которого нужно перевести
Английский Academy's Vision
The Academy focuses on student-centered excellence through autonomous learning that emphasizes ownership and responsibility for personal growth. This vision will develop independent, critical thinkers who will become the global, competitive leaders of tomorrow.
This is a mission statement for an educational academy.

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Испанский Líderes...